
Noni Juice for TB Tuberculosis Disease Treatment
Akangcha Limbu – London – UK,
My wife was actually the one who recommended me regarding noni.
A year ago around April I (Akangcha Limbu) was Diagnosed with TB (Tuberculosis) Disease when I found out I was very devastated because having lived in London. I did not expect to have TB. After many investigation finally they started my TB Treatment which lasted six months.
The Medicines make my body weak and worse, I was off from work very unwell & unfit. I always felt lethargic, out of breath, felt dizzy all the time and on top of that I looked so pale as if I was LifeLess.
My mother in law was very worried about me and then she recommend me about noni which she recently had been to a seminar. So I just went for it – ordered Apollo Noni Juice without knowing that how it will be, how noni works on my TB (Tuberculosis),
I started taking noni everyday consistently, months passed by,
Noni has helped me on many ways. I started to feel the changes that was a good change. I felt more energetic and active, better and healthier life again.
I was also having Joint Pain in my knees, after using noni, It was very less / intensity of pain was very low.
Before I couldn’t even run for a minute let alone going to gym. Now I go for a run, go to gym, can do exercise and I believe it’s because of consistently taking Apollo Noni Juice Regularly.
I hope after reading my testimonial people will get inspired and know the benifits of noni.

No one Medicine / Supplement like Apollo Noni Juice
Tom Bender
My name is Tom Bender. I am a seventy-four year old who has been a diabetic for over thirty-five years. I have experienced the usual problems that come with age and diabetes.

Mr. MARI MUTHU – Dharmapuri, Tamilnadu – Dharmapuri,Tamil Nadu
I am Mari Muthu 36 year old from Dharmapuri in Tamil Nadu.
Six months ago I still had blood sugar problems. When I woke up in the middle of the night I could not go back to sleep on many occasions. I would have to have some protein food in the middle of the night just to get back to sleep. A good fiber supplement helped me a great deal with my sleep and hunger but it did not totally solve the problem.
Someday I heard about APOLLO Noni Juice, and start using it regularly as my regular health supplement.
After using Apollo Noni Juice a 2 months, I feel really a wonderful health benefits of it.
I do not usually get up at all during the night. My legs are more limber now that in past years, and my post-nasal drainage is very much reduced; and I can “cheat” and eat foods (mainly dairy) that I am allergic to with less of a reaction since I started on Apollo Noni.
I appreciate the formulation and product, it really works.

Myra – Guadeloupe
I work at a health food store and many people come in for the high antioxidants found in Apollo Noni Juice. One woman has a story of a very aggressive cancer. She started to take Noni Juice and the Cancer is not gone, but has Completely Stopped Spreading. Just wanted to let you know that some people have positive results.
Medical doctors do not always report the truth about a Product. Just what I have heard about Apollo Noni Juice.

Noni Juice Prevent Cancer
Jigar Jethva – Gandhi Dham,
My Sister was diagnostic with breast cancer five years ago and was under the regular treatement for one year and after She finish with the quimo and the medicine were not good someone recomended noni and she statrted taking it after one year she went to the doctor and they did not find any cancer.
No More Worry about – Pain in body, Weak Back, Stiff Joints
Vaishali Patel – Chembur, Maharashtra
I would love to add my testimonial because your’s is the Best Noni Juice. We have tried a lot of Noni Juices that are out there and there is not one that can compare to your Apollo Noni Juice.
I was amazed at how it helped, I was having pain in body, weak back, stiff joints. – Thanks to APOLLO NONI JUICE.
I am very free of all of those health issues and have been to doctor and having clean health record and doesn’t have to take all that medicine anymore. I am up and doing things like a 20 year old, i am 35 years old.
Your Apollo Noni is a God send to me. Your noni is the real deal and I would recommend it to anyone and everybody, your Noni Juice really heals and it’s the best. We will always continue to take YOUR Noni forever and always.

58% Vein Blockage was converted into 0% Vein Blockage by Apollo Noni Juice
Mr. Ranjitsingh Solanki – Ahmedabad,India
The case is about my wife. We all was planning to celebrate the Diwali Function as diwali was very near to come, We all was very happy. and Suddenly My wife had a heart attack. We all was so depressed and very critical condition.
I take my wife to the hospital – and after many reports, Doctor said the Heart Vein is almost 58% Blockage, Doctor said me to do urgent operation and it cost a lot, which i was not able to afford at that time.
I talked to my friend about it, and he has suggested me Apollo Noni Juice, without taking any medicine My Wife have started taking Noni Juice Daily for 2 times a day for 2 Months along with White gourd (Lauki) Juice 2 Days in a Week almost half glass each time.
Thenafter, we go to doctor to check and angiography was done, and the Result was Extremely Extremely Awesome… Its Unbelievable…
The Heart Blockage was totally NILL, not even 1% blocked. The Team Of Doctors was surprised and asked us, about how this will happened without taking any medicine?
I am really very thankful to Apollo Noni – it has helped me to save lot of money and my lovely wife.
Mr. Rajesh Gor – Surat
I used APOLLO NONI JUICE a year ago and quit. Once I was visiting a friend, I had forgotten about Noni. She had an leaflet of Noni on her car. I remember how good I felt the first time I took it and asked her to let me purchase a few bottles. All I can say is , I feel better and will continue to take it Daily. I don’t have the food cravings I had. It does give me energy, My arthritis pain is is gone so far and I am not suffering from after effects that some medications render. I know it does not cure everything, but it sure helps a lot of things.

Mr. Paul Rajkumar – Chennai,India
I recommended ” The Divine Products Apollo Noni Juice ” to my friends and family and they prefer that. Apollo Contains 8 type of ayurvedic ancient herbs, which is highly regarded as having some of the highest anti-inflammatory properties around.

Emmanuel Kafula – Lusaka
I have been drinking Noni for a last 3 month now and as promised by “wonder noni juice benefits in 90 days” I can feel the benefits of it already. I no longer experience the following ; joint pains, Abdominal pains, Headaches, loss of appetite, coughs, e.t.c. I wish to continue in order to receive the full benefits. I think this juice is a wonder and indeed a gift from GOD!!!!

Identity withheld – Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh,India
I don’t know when I contracted this dreadful disease. I found I was very weak with a high frequency of skin infections, loose motions and vomiting. I was also losing weight and had become depressed. One of My Relatives introduced me to Apollo Noni. She said that along with Medicine, I should also drink Apollo Noni Juice to improve my levels of immunity. After 4 months of consuming Apollo Noni, I feel much better. I have stopped losing weight and my skin infections are showing improvements. The frequency of my loose motion had also come down. My CD4 and CD8 counts have improved too. It is hard to believe, but true – Apollo Noni has done me a miracle !

Maulik Soni – Dubai
I was having a bad headaches issue / problem, since many years, and tried so many medicines and doctors, but not get any benefits of that medicines.
I started drinking Apollo Noni Juice a little over a year ago. I wondered that my overall health improvement that i benefitted from Apollo Noni Juice.
and surprisingly i noticed, that within a few weeks that my headaches had decreased about 95%. I have had severe headaches my whole life and Now I am very happy to say that now I get them very rarely. I will continue to Drinking APOLLO NONI JUICE and recommend it to others.

Usha Patel – Chhatarpur,India
Just Because of Noni- My Life is totally changed. I was having gastric / gas trouble very badly. I started Apollo Noni Juice and I am really very happy now with my life.